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dress coat是什么意思

发布时间:2020-12-01 作者: 英语查

dress coat 是什么意思


dress:    vt. (dressed, 〔古语〕 drest; dr ...
coat:    n. 1.上衣,外衣,外套。 ★厚大衣叫 overcoa ...


1.Dress coat , tails

2.Bloom in red fez , cadi s dress coat with broad green sash , wearing a false badge of the legion of honour , picks up the card hastily and offers it

3.I remember the bright - red tobacco tin , with a picture of queen victoria ' s partner , prince albert , dressed in a black dress coat and carrying a cane

4.I remember the bright - red tobacco tin , with a picture of queen ' s victoria ' s partner , prince albert , dressed in a black dress coat and carrying a cane

5.I remember the bright - red tobacco tin , with a picture of queen victoria ' s partner , prince albert , dressed in a black dress coat and carrying a cane

6.The audience from the cheap places were coming down the steps with a continuous tramp of heavy boots ; a stream of black dress coats was passing , while an attendant was making every possible effort to protect a chair , on which she had piled up coats and cloaks , from the onward pushing of the crowd

7.When he breakfasted or dined all the resources of the club - its kitchens and pantries , its buttery and dairy - aided to crowd his table with their most succulent stores ; he was served by the gravest waiters , in dress coats , and shoes with swan - skin soles , who proffered the viands in special porcelain , and on the finest linen ; club decanters , of a lost mould , contained his sherry , his port , and his cinnamon - spiced claret ; while his beverages were refreshingly cooled with ice , brought at great cost from the american lakes . if to live in this style is to be eccentric , it must be confessed that there is something good in eccentricity . the mansion in saville row , though not sumptuous , was exceedingly comfortable

上一篇: dress form是什么意思

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